Caritas Catholic
Church International
We believe in Unity in essentials,
Diversity in non-essentials,
and above all, Charity
We believe in Unity in essentials,
Diversity in non-essentials,
and above all, Charity
The Celtic Cross knots remind us of our need for each other in the unity of the faith and the bond of peace. We are to love and obey our Lord and be found in Him. His wonderful love, He was willing to die in our place while we were yet sinners. And He sent the Gospel of His Kingdom to us through Roman slaves in the first century to touch the Celtic English Soul. A soul that was deep in darkness and occult bondage. Today, He is still sending us out to make disciples that are like Him, Eph.4:1-16.
The shepherd crooks or Croziers represent our need to be our brother’s keeper in real life. These remind us that the real service of the only true Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is in being true shepherds for Him. The Croziers and the Keys represent the earthly authority of our Lord’s Church and the need for the true consensual unity of servant elders to guide and protect the flock of God with loving influence and authority.
The shield reminds us that Our Lord Jesus Christ is our only defense and He alone is the chief shepherd of His flock.
The three crowns represent the three ministries of our Lord Jesus as Savior, Priest, and King. He came to save, seal, empower and set us free to help bring his Kingdom to Earth.
The Lamb is the symbol of our Lord as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The cross represents the curse that He endured for us when He was crucified and died in our place.
These Greek symbols were widely used by the Early Church to acknowledge that Jesus Christ was and is now and forever the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End of our Salvation and the eternal authority of the universe. Maranatha, come quickly Lord Jesus.
The Chalice is included to indicate that The Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion or the Holy Eucharist is the very heart of Christian Community and Fellowship as it was in the Early Church. There are three events prior to the Eucharist and three after or seven guide markers for local Christian Fellowship: see: www.Trinity AKeys To The Kingdom.@
The world indicates that there is but one Holy Catholic Orthodox Church of our Lord Jesus Christ and it includes all those who submit to our Lord Jesus as both Lord (King) and Savior, Rom.10:9-10. The Kingdom of God is built on His Truth in Love that brings us into the unity of John 17 with true holiness, Eph. 2:8-10 and Eph.4:1-16.
The Holy Scripture is the pure foundation for Orthodoxy. What cannot be supported by Holy Scripture cannot be assumed to be essential to salvation or the unity of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. True Orthodoxy is the revelation and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Prophets and Apostles. Nothing else shall be assumed to be necessary for faith and practice in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ except as can be clearly shown in Holy Scripture. The Holy Spirit is constantly revealing further truth based upon the existing truth as found in Holy Scripture, line upon line and precept upon precept, Isa. 28:14 20, 2 Tim.2:15, 4:5. Traditions that carefully support the Holy Scriptures are wonderful teaching tools.
The word Caritas is added to remind us to stay within St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian Church as found in chapter 13. Caritas is the Latin word from which we get the English word charity. In Greek the word is agape. It is a word meaning the type of love that God has for us. God’s love is the highest good for each of us regardless of the cost to Him. Our Heavenly Father is seeking to teach us to love Him and each other in the same way. Love is the highest good to others regardless of personal cost. The Holy Scriptures tell us clearly that God is love and for us to learn to love each other as God loves us, John 17, 1 John 4:6 21.